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Family Reunion (A Funeral)
This is the second poem in my recently released book Dirt Girl. You can find the entire collection on Amazon here, or find the audiobook on Chirp here.
family reunion (a funeral)
the men drink whiskey and Coke
from Styrofoam gas station slushy cups
so they can die while they’re living
roast a hog over open fire
and complain that the ground is dry
because the sky is dry
because God doesn’t care about the little guys
they discuss gas prices from lifted pickup trucks
spin their keys in their fingers
one | two | three
sigh and say it’s just another cursed day
and the hog slowly spins
while the women fuss
over potato salad and carrot sticks
you could say we’re living
a little bit less than we could be
if only we looked up
at that heartbreaking blue
a sky so endless we get lost in its depth
and my mother knocks a cigarette